Ōpōtiki to celebrate with a street party

Ōpōtiki Mayor, Lyn Riesterer, said that the government’s announcement that it would be funding the build of Ōpōtiki’s new harbour entrance, was the best reason to “close the road and celebrate this milestone together as a community”. On 28 February, Regional Economic...

Eastern Bay to boom following PGF funding

This week has seen three separate funding announcements in the eastern Bay of Plenty through the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF). Taken together, Toi EDA Chair, David Turner, said it represented an opportunity to make an intergenerational transformation to the Eastern...

Harbour funding welcomed by Regional Council

project as a recipient of Provincial Growth Funding.In 2013 the Regional Council budgeted a $20 million conditional grant for the project through its Regional Infrastructure Fund. This funding was focussed on enabling aquaculture development, export opportunities and...

Rain not enough to change fire danger

Rain over the weekend has not changed the fire danger levels across the country, warns Fire and Emergency New Zealand. Manager Rural Fire Tim Mitchell says given how dry conditions have been, the rain experienced over the past few days has not been enough to lower the...