by the web guy | Mar 18, 2020 | Trending
Ōpōtiki District Council has closed the doors of the Ōpōtiki i-SITE and public library in a move to protect staff and the wider community from the risk of Covid-19 infection. Council Chief Executive, Aileen Lawrie, said that the decision wasn’t taken lightly but was a...
by the web guy | Mar 18, 2020 | Covid-19 latest update
Police has conducted compliance visits on a random sample group of travellers who arrived into New Zealand after the new self-isolation requirements came into effect on Monday 16 March. The Ministry of Health requested Police to conduct the visits to check on the...
by the web guy | Mar 17, 2020 | Trending
As autumn descends, Whakatāne residents are urged to rake up leaves on their properties, and clear leaves and debris from nearby stormwater grates to avoid possible damage from surface flooding. Council Manager Three Waters Infrastructure Tomasz Krawczyk says gutters...
by the web guy | Mar 13, 2020 | Trending
Te Rāhui Lands Trust, Ngāti Awa Group Holdings Limited, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa and Whakatāne District Council are excited to announce their successful applications to the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF). Minister Shane Jones announced today that a contribution of...
by the web guy | Mar 12, 2020 | Covid-19 latest update
With a small number of cases of coronavirus now confirmed in New Zealand, many people are feeling understandably anxious. We knew that coronavirus was likely to arrive in New Zealand at some stage, and our local District Health Boards, along with GP practices...