by the web guy | May 25, 2020 | Trending
Bay of Plenty Regional Council is reminding duck shooters to do their bit to avoid spreading damaging freshwater pests with the hunting season opening this Saturday 23rd May, “Unwanted freshwater pests such as catfish and hornwort are serious threats to the life...
by the web guy | May 25, 2020 | Covid-19 latest update
With the country at Alert Level 2, the Bay of Plenty District Health Board’s (BOPDHB) COVID-19 pandemic response is also moving to the next phase. This includes the process for assessment and swabbing for COVID-19. From Monday 25 May 2020, people with symptoms of...
by the web guy | May 20, 2020 | Covid-19 latest update
People planning to visit whānau, family and friends in Tauranga and Whakatāne hospitals are reminded of the DHB’s Alert Level 2 Visitor Policy. The focus at Alert Level 2 continues to be on protecting everyone from the risk of exposure to COVID-19, at the same time...
by the web guy | May 19, 2020 | Covid-19 latest update
The Whakatāne COVID-19 assessment centre will be open weekdays only going forward. The Community Based Assessment Centre (CBAC), based at Whakatāne War Memorial Hall, will no longer be open on Saturday mornings effective immediately. New opening hours: Whakatāne CBAC,...
by the web guy | May 18, 2020 | Covid-19 latest update
The Chief District Court Judge has issued a new protocol to guide New Zealand’s biggest court as it continues to deliver an essential service during Alert Level 2 of the pandemic response. The District Court deals with high volumes of Criminal, Family, Youth and...